Wednesday, November 07, 2007

you get mistaken for strangers by your own friends.

its like my brain has gone quiet and the nothingness in my heart has crept into my brain. i watched like, the most awesome movie tonight, it was called "wristcutters : a love story" and it was amazing. right up there with "me you and everyone we know" and " eagle vs shark"

the main character comits suicide and ends up in a desert purgatory with all of the other people that have ccommited suicide. he drives around this wasteland with two friends looking for his old girlfriend. i'm not making it sound as good as it was. i urge you , yes patrick that means you, since you are the only one that reads this, to go watch it.

so they live in a place that sucks. doing meaningless jobs, drinking and hanging out, not smiling, and i relized that is exactly where i am now. i'm toiling away at a job that i hate, doing nothing with my life, not smiling. wearing the same clothes for , i guess it's been three weeks now, and noone has noticed. i know i'm the only one that can save me, but i just dont care anymore.

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